You know we’re so lucky here in SA we get clear cold days, and it’s very easy to stay inside by the fire but why not think of putting a jacket and scarf on and go for a walk. One of my favourite walks is a real rare gem; it’s the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens and if you’ve not been here before, let me tempt you!
They call it a botanic adventure in the hills and it is! The Heysen Trail makes its way through here and there so many different pockets of this park to explore.
For Rob Hatcher, it’s his office and he’s always got something new to show me.
Rob: This is our Dwarf Conifer Collection, lots of forms of Dwarf Conifer donated by David Thompson about 30 years ago.
Michael: Hey they seem to be doing okay?
Rob: They are doing fantastically well.
Michael: Well if you’re thinking of planting one in your garden come up here and have a look, they’re in situ, they’re 30 years old and you get an idea of colour, shape, size all that.
Rob: Absolutely and while you’re here have a picnic, spend some time with the birds and the bandicoots, all that sort of stuff.
Amazingly one little section, Fern Gully, is home to Australia’s largest collection of Fern Trees, a temperate rainforest definitely worth a visit. And one of the most popular spots is Main Lake, easily accessed from the lower car-park and just a short walk away a living fossil, a Wollemi Pine propagated from one of the rarest trees on the planet.
Michael: Well there you are, we’ve only scratched the surface of this delightful 97 hectare property and its at its best late Winter and early Spring. Pack a picnic basket and come up here and enjoy Mt Lofty Botanic Garden.