If you are looking to buy or build a property in 2019 there are a few architectural trends that you should be on the lookout for to incorporate into your new home or investment property. As always, if you are looking to buy or build it is important to look to the future and design your property around the trends of the upcoming years so that it will still be desirable once your renovations or construction is completed.
In 2019 we see a shift in some of the wanted architectural aspects that people are looking for in their new home to be built by architectural builders Melbourne. Here we will discuss some of the main turning points in the trends for the upcoming years.
Along with the trend in ‘tiny homes,’ we are seeing a rise in small scale properties. This means having a large amount of well-hidden storage that maximizes the space in a small house or property. They emerged at the beginning of 2018 and have been on the rise since. Coming with the minimal space you have in densely populated urban locations, this is both a financially viable and environmentally friendly solution to the expenses associated with living in these close quarters.
Along with the progression of the digital age, there has also been a shift toward building with digital media in mind. This could be the use of 3D printing to create aspects of the home or even the inclusion of artificial intelligence in the structure or the internal space makes use fo the increase in digital media in today’s world. This is surely a great step in the advancement of human construction in conjunction with the digital age.
Finally, linking with the initial idea of the ‘tiny home’ and the smaller carbon footprint that it is trying to achieve, there is a shift toward greener alternatives when it comes to architecture. The addition of solar panels, water tanks and other environmentally friendly aspects of the modern home have been a great advancement in architecture and the current property markets globally.
Having a home that is not only modern and minimalist but also sustainable in more ways than one is a trend that is not likely to subside any time soon. These make for excellent selling points as well as a decrease in our carbon footprint and cost of the homeowners for properties in 2019 and beyond.
Taking into account these trends for the coming years will help to create the most sought after properties, not only for your own home but also for investment properties further down the track. They are not always the most expensive to build but do make for a property that will have a great reselling point and the greatest profit in the long run.