
Everything You Need to Get Familiar with Horseshoes for Medical Reasons

Horses with issues with their bone structure or muscle may require therapeutic shoes as a result of an injury. It’s possible that your farrier and veterinarian may collaborate to find the perfect pair of horseshoes for your horse.

  • Therapeutic shoes are required for horses who have foundered (hoof injury as a result of an overly rich diet) until their hooves have fully grown out and healed.
  • Horses can walk, jog, or run more efficiently, pull harder, jump higher, and go farther in well-fitting, supportive shoes, just like people.
  • Horses that have a special duty to do require footwear tailored to their needs. Horses can move more quickly and efficiently when using specifically constructed racing plates, for example.
  • Good shoes help working horses and horses in high-intensity competition reduce stress on their leg bones and joints.

Only a well-trained farrier can assist you in selecting the correct shoes and horse supplies for your equine partner. Screw-in shoes; sliding plates; race plates; heel calks; toe-grabs; boots are among the options. These days, modern horseshoes are available in metal or a lightweight, durable plastic material (Plastic). They can be glued or nailed in place. Removable hoof boots are also an excellent choice.

Your horse’s uniqueness should always come first when making judgments about him. Different forms of foot care are required for horses of various ages, workloads, builds, and living situations. This is why it’s crucial to work with a reputable farrier who can provide quality trimming and hoof care on a regular basis. The technique of attaching metal shoes to a horse’s feet has long been controversial. A qualified farrier can help you identify possible problems before they grow out of hand. Some believe it’s critical for proper equine and foot care. Some people believe it’s harmful in any situation.

Metal shoes have its detractors who claim that they inflict pain on horses and that poking holes in their hoof is harmful. The hoof structure is allegedly damaged, and blood circulation is hampered as a result.

The anti-shoeing hypothesis has recently received some support from new studies. Shoeing is currently thought to harm a horse’s general health and well-being if its hooves are healthy, and its conformation is sound.

Horses on a grain-free diet have better general health and better-looking hooves. Horses with light workloads and frequent farrier visits are less prone to suffer hoof injuries. Going barefoot is typically the preferable option in this situation.

Consult your farrier about the pros and cons of conventional shoeing vs more current, detachable options, or about going barefoot altogether. A horse is usually better off being barefoot for at least part of the year, according to most farriers. The goal of a “barefoot trim” by a farrier is to duplicate the ideal hoof form observed on wild horses in good condition.

Keep in mind that the decision of whether or not to wear shoes is not a permanent one. Your horse may require shoes of a specific sort right now, shoes of a different type in other conditions, and no shoes at all in still other circumstances.

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